Compact Turbimeter

A compact turbimeter from Palintest® measures turbidity and total suspended solids (TSS), the two most important indicator parameters for water quality.

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Product Details


A compact turbimeter from Palintest® measures turbidity and total suspended solids (TSS), the two most important indicator parameters for water quality. The Compact Turbimeter uses unique QuadoptiX™ technology to provide:

  • Maximum reliability and accuracy in the field
  • Variety of operating/reading modes including Total Suspended Solids
  • Full data log including time, date, Operator ID, Sample ID & calibration record for GLP compliance
  • Operates to ISO 7027 standard
  • Accurate for samples containing mobile/settling solids or very low turbidity values
  • Dual validation approach for TSS measurement
  • Optimised for specific sample requirements of normal, average, continuous capture & rapid qualitative evaluation
  • Data stored within the meter for future manipulation and recall

Operates according to ISO 7027 standard, with a wide dynamic range from 0 – 1050 NTU, the Compact Turbimeter is ideal to provide robust and reliable measurement of water turbidity and suspended solids for environmental research, offering a Total Suspended Solids calibration option and continuous measurement mode for settling samples. Delivered in a portable hard case, complete with SDVB calibration standards, the Compact Turbimeter provides accurate field measurement for turbidity and Total Suspended Solids.

  • Model Number: CT12 Compact Turbimeter
  • Ingress Protection: IP 67
  • Weight: 340g (inc batteries)
  • Dimensions (H x W x L): 50 x 82 x 225mm
  • Temp/Humidity Limit: 0 - 50°C, 90%
  • User Interface: Backlit LCD screen, four soft keys, power button
  • Power: 2 'AA' batteries, 5000 readings average, power indication and auto-off
  • Optical System: QuadoptiX™ system, 860nm LED source
  • Reading Modes: Normal, Average (Short, Medium, Long), Continuous Capture, Rapid, Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
  • Result Units: NTU, FTU, FNU, mg/l (TSS)
  • Range: 0 - 1050 NTU
  • Accuracy: 2% of reading
  • Resolution: 0.01 NTU up to 9.99 NTU, 0.1 NTU up to 99.9 NTU, 1 NTU above 100 NTU
  • Repeatability: 1%
  • Cuvette Diameter: 25mm
  • Turbidity Calibration: Four point using SDVB standards (provided) or Formazin
  • TSS Calibration: Direct factor entry (up to 12) or correlation
  • Operator ID: Alphanumeric, up to 12
  • Sample ID: Alphanumeric, up to 12
  • Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian
  • Result Log: 100 data points including time, date, Operator ID, Sample ID, measurement mode
  • Calibration Log: Last 12 good calibrations including time, date, operator ID

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