Product Recovery Remediation Equipment

November 20, 2012

The removal of pollution or contaminants from a site requires specialist equipment. There are different remediation techniques but on the whole they can be categorised into ex-situ and in-situ methods. Ex-situ (off site) methods involve the excavation of the contaminated material for treatment and in-situ (on site) methods which aim to treat the contamination without removing the soils, groundwater, sediment of surface water.

We supply remediation equipment to remove contaminants from water including equipment that uses an oleophilic or hydrophobic element that passes oil but repels water.

Our Geosorb Kits are designed to recover hydrocarbons only, not the water and consist of a stainless steel screened cage (easy to de-contaminate) and a product selective absorbent, the type depends on what contaminant you are removing. The system is lowered down the well and left until it has passively absorbed the product. The system fits 2”, 4” or larger wells and is weighted for optimal submergence.

The Passive Skimmer, an oleophillic system, containerises the pollutant within the equipment, within the well.  Quick to set up, the skimmer relies on gravity to fill the reservoir and it does not require any power or air source to operate. If there is a lot of contaminant the skimmer will quickly fill so does require emptying regularly. Click here to see a video demonstration of the Passive Skimmer.

For larger wells or sumps the Active Skimmer, which uses a pumping facility to bring the contaminant to the surface is a “controllerless” recovery system for removing hydrocarbon layers.  With no external controller required the Active Skimmer is quick to set up with just two lines to connect. It has a field adjustable cycle timer to optimise cycle rates and conserve energy so is highly efficient. An external air compressor is required but the unit will pump up to 760 litres per day, down to 45m or more.

Finally our Oil Recovery System ‘floating bucket’ is an independent passive hydrocarbon skimmer that is equipped with a visual alarm to indicate when it is full.  The equipment separates the contaminant from the water via filtration through a specially treated mesh screen to recover and store it in an integral 2-litre reservoir and it will stop collection of product once it is full. The only maintenance it requires is periodic cleaning of the cartridge screen. The ORS Filter Bucket is a very stable system.

For more information on our Product Recovery remediation equipment click here.

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