July 15, 2010
Knowing your competition is an essential part of business. Monitoring their activity is a key part of any communication strategy. Stealing a march on their ideas – hugely satisfying, but with good competition – usually very short lived!
Whatever your field remember – it’s a small world. Images and facts from around the world reach our laptops in seconds so that, in an instant, you can find information on almost anything – thanks to Google and some of the better search engines.
Our competitors keep us on our toes but it’s our customers who exercise the power of business success over business failure. The best policy – try to know as much as possible about both because, rest assured, they will be trying to find as much as possible about you!
Tracey Daley
Environmental monitoring has developed considerably over the years. From the time when a consultant went out monthly or quarterly with a dip tape to monitor the groundwater level in a borehole, wind forward...
Read MoreThe interest in Nitrates is nothing new. One way or another we have been measuring them for half a century.
Read MoreA client recently contacted me to ask if we can repair their high flow purge pump and or sell then a new one. They were using it for (among other applications) to purge a 70m deep bore 3 times for a...
Read MoreA small selection of our environmental equipment