We need to make clear, that at the time of writing, there are no ISO or EN standards which deal with the sampling of groundwater for PFAS.
Read MoreEnvironmental monitoring has developed considerably over the years. From the time when a consultant went out monthly or quarterly with a dip tape to monitor the groundwater level in a borehole, wind forward...
Read MoreThe interest in Nitrates is nothing new. One way or another we have been measuring them for half a century.
Read MoreA client recently contacted me to ask if we can repair their high flow purge pump and or sell then a new one. They were using it for (among other applications) to purge a 70m deep bore 3 times for a...
Read MoreThe chains are on, 4WD is locked in and we are well past the point of no-return. The season has not started yet but there’s enough snow already to add to the complexity of maintaining a service. We’re...
Read MoreFor anyone involved in Water Management you will know about flumes. A flume is used to quantify flow in open channels such as streams, field ditches and irrigation channels. Flumes are man made flow control...
Read MoreThe United Kingdom just celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It was a long weekend of pageantry, pomp and circumstance and it was a lot of fun and never lost the focus on the achievement of this...
Read MoreVan Walt has been offering training on a range of environmental sampling subjects for over 30 years. In that time hundreds of delegates have been through our courses from Window Sampling, Groundwater Sampling...
Read MoreFrom the Sundarbans, the Congo and Kurdistan, to a Roman fortification at the Eastern end of Hadrian’s Wall in Northeast England, you can find our Window Sampling Systems. This is where our latest training...
Read MoreVan Walt has partnered IMKO for decades. IMKO, based near Karlsruhe in Germany was owned by the Koehler family. Kurt Koehler was always rather more interested in extracting every last milli-percentage...
Read MoreI am coming to the “end of the beginning” of a project to build capacity in freshwater management in Africa. The inspiration for the project came in 2014 during my first job in nature conservation...
Read MoreStarting out on my internship with the Tropical Biology Association (TBA), supported by Van Walt, I knew very little about Madagascar. However, right from the beginning of my research it was apparent that...
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