An insatiable demand for data

17th January 2019

My father in law owned a factory that manufactured frames for photographs. He was very successful yet never quite understood why. He would walk into someone’s home and the walls were plastered with framed images and yet they ordered more frames, kilometres of them.

And throughout my career which now spans almost 40 years I’ve experienced the same about data. There seems to be an insatiable and ever increasing demand and as with photo frames, technology has allowed us to produce more, more quickly and more cheaply. In this, data and frames follow the same path.

But the cost of raw materials and particularly the cost of the labour content increases inexorably and as I write this in January 2019 I wouldn’t be too far off the mark when I suggest that collecting data from site will cost between £50-£80 per hour when vehicle charges are accounted for. And if a round trip to site takes an average of 3 hours, each set of data will cost between £150-£240.

Organisations such as Amazon realise it only too well and I’m anxiously waiting to see, for the first time,  a drone delivering my parcel. Drones are (currently) not the best fit solution for data acquisitions (but give it time). In the meanwhile we have telemetric options and they are well developed to provide the recipient with a cheap and secure alternative for data collection.

At Van Walt we have developed a number of modern, technologically up-to-date and mainly sensor agnostic telemetric solutions. This means that many sensors which you may already own can be retrospectively telemetrised and with installations throughout the UK, Spain and New Zealand, these solutions have a proven track record of reliability spanning more than 3 years. The units are field robust and power independent.

We are delighted to link  you to our new data collection brochure which highlights some of the features and capabilities of our most current products.

Want to find out more? Talk to our Data Collection expert, Jon Rodgers on +44 (0)1428 661 660 or email or if you are in Spain and in New Zealand it’s

Vincent van Walt
January 2019

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