Are you a User or Chooser?

Ikky Izagaren

August 7, 2014

If you’re a User – then stop now. Why are you reading this? It’s important for us to know which way you hang – do you love us or tolerate us? Why are we interested? Because the way we do business, the equipment we sell, the service we deliver – the whole ethos of the Van Walt Group, is all about having customers who choose to use us, over and above other businesses.

Van Walt supplies environmental research and groundwater monitoring equipment but we are, ostensibly, a people business. Everything we do is underpinned by human effort. If we don’t have the right equipment for you, if you can’t find the information on our website, if your order is delayed in transit or you need a little help in deciding what you need and we’re not there to offer help, support or advice – you won’t choose us again.

That’s why we go to great lengths to ensure we have strong relationships with our suppliers, so we can be confident the equipment we offer is the best available. We ensure our team, the people you deal with daily, have the skills and expertise to answer your questions and supply the right equipment. We keep in regular contact with you to ensure that if things are not on track – we talk. It’s in our interest to ensure you – our customer – is not just completely satisfied at every stage of the relationship with us – you are delighted. At the end of the day we want you to love us!

We work hard to ensure our processes and back office procedures work in our customers’ interests. These are audited through the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality control standards which we are proud to be fully accredited to.

Recognising you are very busy individuals, all our communications are labelled so you can identify, before opening an email, whether the content is technical, news or sales information and so make a decision on whether to read it. If a customer is new, we want you to feel part of our Van Walt community and the content of our mailings and the tone of our communications is a big part of that.

Finally, Van Walt tries to measure everything we possibly can; both quantitatively and qualitatively. We track the effectiveness of every promotion, we call every customer after you have received your goods to check everything is going well with the equipment you have just purchased and to get to know you better so we can be more proactive in any future communications. And, as a quick barometer we have a ‘rate-us’ page where we invite you to give us a quick thumbs up or thumbs down – depending on how you feel about us! (Did you enjoy this blog?)

We want you – our customers – the life-blood of our business – to choose us, not just use us

Tracey Daley
August 2014

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