September 1, 2016
Have you secured your place at the must attend event of the year the: ‘Groundwater; Managing our Hidden Asset’ conference at the University of Birmingham on the 13th & 14th September, 2016. Organised by the International Association of Hydrogeologists and supported by the Groundwater Forum, the event celebrates their 60th anniversary and the Geological Society Year of Water.
Van Walt Ltd is delighted to be a main sponsor of a conference dedicated to groundwater – our area of equipment expertise for more than 35 years. The conference will have four broad topic areas: groundwater and energy, groundwater resources, groundwater and ecosystem services and groundwater quality with sub themes of groundwater valuation and natural capital, climate change, groundwater management and the Water Framework Directive.
We work closely with professionals from the groundwater sector to provide the equipment you need to accurately and consistently purge, sample and record groundwater data. Whether your requirement is level logging, water quality or remote monitoring we offer a solution.
We will be exhibiting at the conference and plan to have some of the latest initiatives in sensor technology and telemetry including vanwaltCONNECT, a versatile, accurate system which allows data from deployed sensors to be accessed from your desktop and shared between users who have been given permission. Data that is protecting property, life and delivering our customers substantial cost savings. In addition we plan to bring along the US Army Corps of Engineers® endorsed Snap Sampler, a passive sampling system where data quality and cost savings meet.
Don’t miss out, book your place now by following this link: geolsoc.org.uk/Groundwater-Managing-our-Hidden-Asset
I look forward to seeing you there.
Yvonne Coonan
We need to make clear, that at the time of writing, there are no ISO or EN standards which deal with the sampling of groundwater for PFAS.
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