Christmas Wishes

December 16, 2015

At Christmas for us adults and businesses it’s our opportunity to think about family, friends, neighbours and the people we work with over the course of the year. Many of us see it as a time to remember and to share thanks, happiness, love, fulfilment, peace, prosperity, friendship, joy of giving, kindness, blessings and generosity with the people who touch our lives.

At Van Walt we write to all our customers and contacts to thank them for their continued business through the year. Without their business to sustain us, nothing else would be possible and we sincerely hope we have done everything to ensure we can look forward to working with them the following year.

But, as everyone knows, Christmas is very much about the children and for weeks now, all over the world, kids have been busy compiling their present wish-lists. Now some one has come up with a selection of the most outlandish, funny and creative examples of Santa letters – it seems there is no limit to the imagination and ingenuity of children when it comes to Christmas wishes. Take a look at

In the list of the top 25 letters we have Claire who is happy to reveal her brother’s bad habits while requesting binders and a hole punch by way of Christmas gifts. Tennessee helpfully informs Santa to discuss her Christmas gift selection with her father via text. Elisha, would like to be turned into a dragon and tries buttering up Santa by wishing him a ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ (she’s writing in February?!) and on a practical front DK requests: “Dear Santa, Santa if you bringing presents with batteries bring batteries. DK”. And Tammy has been very specific, she has cut out items from a catalogue from her favourite store and included these in her letter so there can be no mistake what’s on her wish list!

So what can we learn from these children: be specific, give as much detail as you can and put your request forward in a timely fashion – lessons in life for all of us!

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

Van Walt Team

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