July 1, 2013
I should imagine that nearly everyone in the world has found themselves in the situation where having unpacked and used an appliance they now struggle (unsuccessfully) to put it all back in the box it came in AND close the lid.
I’m not an angry person but this predicament rates in the top 5 of things most likely to make me ‘spit the dummy’, followed closely by bathroom sinks that clearly are nowhere near big enough for me to wash my hands in. (this last situation is usually followed by a mumbled explanation to whomever I am with as to why it looks like I have wet myself)
I digress. The reason for bringing this topic up is that recently the NZ branch has acquired some new rental kit (Tetra 3 personal multigas monitors) that needs appropriate packaging so that we can send it out to all you hungry mouths out there.
I should also explain that in the interest of reducing courier rates to you, I have been careful to select a case small enough to fall into the cheapest courier rate category. As if that were not already a big enough challenge, I have managed to squeeze our Tiger PID into the same case to further reduce your courier costs and hopefully to reduce the amount of cases you need to cart around onsite.
As you will know, traditionally we supply our rental equipment with service kits and Calibration gases/solutions as standard. The Tetra 3 LEL meter is no exception and so you can imagine that with a small case full of this kit, you will not be able to add so much as a cigarette paper to the contents if you wish to close the case successfully.
All that said, It’s been an evolution but I think I have done a pretty good job even if I do say so myself. Everything has a place and fits snuggly so that it does not spill out over you when you open the case. For those of you who hate having to deal with power cords (another pet hate of mine) I have even cut out a pocket behind the foam so that you can merrily stuff the cord back in without fighting with it too much. And there is just enough room left for the usual documentation (quick start guides, manuals, safety data sheets etc.) and your return address label and courier tickets.
In conclusion, I hope you like the new cases and the new equipment. As always, your feedback is very welcome. For more information on our new Tetra 3 meters and indeed our trusty Tiger PIDs have a look here on the website or visit our YouTube channel to see the instructional videos.
With best regards from a cold and snowy Wanaka,
dirk@vanwalt.com +64 (0)34435326We need to make clear, that at the time of writing, there are no ISO or EN standards which deal with the sampling of groundwater for PFAS.
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