Not to be used for the other use!!!

April 3, 2013

An occupational hazard of supplying specialist equipment is that from time to time someone will ask if a certain piece of equipment can be used ‘outside of its normal operating parameters’.  At Van Walt Ltd the answer it usually NO!

Very occasionally we recommend a piece of equipment to be used on the limits of its capabilities but this is usually because there is little other option.

Why are we so strict on this subject?  Well… It’s not because we are narrow minded.  It is because we do not like to disappoint.  With all of our equipment we set realistic limitations that in many cases are below what the ‘glossy brochure’ says.  This is not a guess on our part but as a result of real world experience and customer feedback.

This way we can be sure that you the customer is always satisfied with the performance of our equipment.

That said, I am always interested (and sometimes astonished) to hear what people have been able to do with certain pieces of equipment.  Certainly my personal workshop has a veritable smorgasbord of butchered and adapted tools to help me do the things I want to do.

Where there is a will there is a way, and this industry is packed with people who are able to think outside the box and complete difficult tasks using some ingenious methods.  To those who have, I give you my full respect.  But if it was with our equipment, DON’T TELL THE BOSS!

As is customary I leave you with a short video about a man who has made a living out of using specialist equipment in an unusual way.

Dirk van Walt
New Zealand Branch Manager

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