February 21, 2013
We start every working day, all the team, sharing some moments in front of a cup of smoky coffee. These “informal briefing” is one of the most important moments of our daily routine, at least for me: I look at my teammates’eyes and see that I can rely on them, that everything is going to run smoothly during the day, each part of the machinery is synchronized with the others and will be another great day.
And this is the confidence I want to forward to my customers when putting all the sampling stuff into the van to start another field work day. You expect that your equipment is working properly, your meters calibrated, and that no tubing or other consumables will be short. We are now offering you the option of renting your sampling equipment: pumps, meters, even Divers. All of this equipment will be checked prior to shipment, meters will be calibrated, and pumps and generators in proper conditions to ensure that nothing will fail. In addition, with every sampling rented item you will have the option to choose the consumables you need in order that your sampling day will be successful. Everything is shipped in rugged and dedicated cases, to have every piece in its place.
Tell us about your needs, let us be part of your team; our aim is to be your partner, elves that work during the night to have your equipment ready to be used, getting your mind free from nightmares and ensuring that the following day will be a great day.
Start the day with confidence in the equipment you put into the van; it has been checked and will be ready to operate as it goes out of the box.
We need to make clear, that at the time of writing, there are no ISO or EN standards which deal with the sampling of groundwater for PFAS.
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