When floods are in the news – think e-WATER L

October 1, 2012

Our thoughts go out to all those people affected by flooding after the most intense September storms in 30 years. As I write this there are still several flood warnings in place In England and Wales, and although the forecasters predict the worst of the weather is over that is no consolation to those people who have lost their homes and businesses this time around.

Improved flood defence is the answer but with less and less money available for this type of infrastructure expenditure the only thing the Environment Agency (EA) can recommend is that if you are in an area prone to flooding you need to monitor water levels by monitoring their website, so you can take precautions in the event that the worst happens. Flood maps are available on the BBC as well as the EA.

At Van Walt, when it comes to flow, water level and early warning alarms in the event of flooding we can offer e-WATER L, a plug and play monitoring, metering and telemetry system which will also provide an early warning alarm direct to a PC or designated mobile telephone – ideal for flood warnings.

This system is accurate, easy to use, robust, smart – a modern solution to the sometimes very complex problem of monitoring water in canals, lakes, rivers and basins. It is particularly relevant in the wake of the continuing floods experienced in the UK. When installed on-site it is lockable and resistant to theft and vandalism. Systems are available in different lengths and can be installed as stand-alone units or as part of a complete telemetry system.

e-SENSE is available exclusively from Van Walt Ltd. Further details can be found here.

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