Van Walt supports the QRA

September 20, 2012

Van Walt is delighted to support the QRA and this year, from the 29th to 31st August 2012 the Department of Geography and Environment, School of Geosciences, King’s College, University of Aberdeen, hosted the 17th QRA Postgraduate symposium in cooperation with the Quaternary Research Association. The meeting was attended by 35 delegates from 20 UK Universities.

On the first day we went into the field to observe the magnificent dune system and nature reserve of Forvie and to discuss the icesheet orientation at the Kippet Hills North of Meikle Loch. We ended the day with a tour of a distillery and a Whisky reception at the Machar to give everyone a truly Scottish experience.

Oral and poster presentations were held on the second and third day after a keynote lecture on the developments in radiocarbon dating was given by Dr. Dmitri Mauquoy. The posters covered a wide scope of topics related to Quaternary research ranging from geomorphological changes of landscapes, glaciology, dating techniques, sedimentology, palaeoecology and old DNA presenting research areas from around the world. As official part of the symposium the Annual General Meeting was conducted during which prizes for the best oral and poster presentations were awarded. The prizes went to Peter Heintzman (Royal Holloway) and Christopher Darvill (Durham) respectively.

Paul Ledger, James Lea, David Ashmore, Anke Kuttner & Ilse Kamerling; Department of Geography & Environment, School of Geosciences, King’s College, University of Aberdeen

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