Red sky at night

July 10, 2012

Red sky at night, Sailors delight!

Red sky in the morning, Sailor take warning.

I’m sure we have all heard this Proverb before in one format or another.

But, did you know that it is actually true?  And what’s more, there is science to back it up!

The red sky that you see is a result of dust particles and pollutants being trapped under a high pressure system. Storm fronts generally move from west to east.

Red sky at night indicates high pressure in the west that is yet to come bringing good weather.

Red sky in the morning indicates a high pressure in the east that has already passed over.  This means the low pressure is on its way bringing the bad weather.

Neat eh?

Disclaimer:  if you live in the City, you may be looking at light pollution from another town.  Best pack an umbrella just in case!

Other folklore of a more dubious nature:

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plane …. not true

Behind every good man is a better woman  … yes dear ….

Dirk van Walt

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