Busy, busy, busy

May 2, 2012

Hectic day with several visitors and lots of equipment training to help ensure our customers get good results with the equipment when out onsite.

Danni Pearce, Ph.D student from the University of Worcester, Institute for Science and the Environment will be taking cores from an upland loch (Gameshope) in Scotland. This special site is quite unique since it has had no work conducted on it, modern or in a palaeo context, and Danni doesn’t even know the depth! She will be using a Beeker Sampler to collect the cores, a specialist sediment sampler ideal to use from a boat to collect undisturbed samples.

Working with Southampton University on the cores the team wants to see if there is a full Late Glacial sequence and to look at tephra, beetles etc, to provide the first palaeo-data for the entire Tweedsmuir Hills. Good luck Danni.

This afternoon we have trained two members of the Costain team on maintenance and calibration of the YSI Pro Plus water quality system. Recognising how difficult it is to calibrate onsite we are familiarising them with the process so it becomes second nature to calibrate before each batch of important readings.

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