March 19, 2012
This morning I was woken up by my 5-month old grandson at some very early hour. All you parents will know that there is nothing more joyful than hearing the gurgle, laughter and little shrieks from a baby. It sets the happy tone for the day and I never tire of it.
Perhaps I’m a saddo but the early start gave me the opportunity of rushing downstairs to see whether our new website had migrated successfully overnight ….. and it has. This was no revamp but a full rewrite with the newest coding and it has taken just over two months of blood, sweat and tears.
The small team at Tidy Design Portsmouth backed up by Tracey and Stuart have produced a website which we think will be more appealing to the demographic profile of our customer base: mostly smart young people in the age range which has provided them with genetically modified thumbs which enable them to write emails, send text messages or keep up with their social networks with an ease and speed which leaves us older farts astonished but often also muttering “…when I was young I had better things to do than stare at a screen…”
Be that as it may we’ve attempted to make an extremely complex website, with over 500 pages of information and backed by 15 micro web sites as intuitive as possible to navigate, whether from a desktop or a smart phone. We’re trying to make it as interesting as possible by interspersing stories of technical and possibly boring content with stories which give a more human dimension to our business. Our home page will be updated daily with new articles to make it a more dynamic platform of information.
Although the site has been tested and re-tested we know there will be some errors or broken links. For these we apologise and if you discover mistakes then we’d really appreciate feedback.
I hope you like our new site and that it will entice you to visit frequently. I certainly do and my huge thanks go to Mike and Ben at Tidy Design and to Stuart and Tracey. This was a biggy: Well done!
Vincent van Walt
We need to make clear, that at the time of writing, there are no ISO or EN standards which deal with the sampling of groundwater for PFAS.
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