Introducing our Hydrocarbon Recovery System

January 12, 2012

We have recently installed a single-phase 110-220V AC powered remediation system – an AC Sipper – for a customer to remediate wells in Somerset.

This flexible, compact system can be configured for up to eight wells. It is easy-to-install so makes it popular for remediation projects, particularly in the USA. The AC Sipper uses a unique downwell pump to recover floating hydrocarbons (LNAPL) through a floating oleophilic/hydrophobic intake filter. Once the pump canister is filled via the vacuum cycle, the pump reverses, pressurizes the system and pumps the recovered fluid to the surface and into a storage vessel.  It can effectively extract fluids from depths to 60 metres below ground surface and recover viscous hydrocarbons up to 90 weight oil. A solar powered version is also available.

How it works is the skimmer floats just above the oil/water interface to collect and remove hydrocarbons from the well into an optional above ground storage tank.

The removal of pollution or contaminants from soil, groundwater, sediment or surface water in wells, sumps or trenches requires specialist equipment and there are many different techniques. However, most remediation techniques can be categorised into ex-situ and in-situ methods. Ex-situ (off site) methods involve the excavation of affected soils and subsequent treatment at the surface; in-situ (on site) methods seek to treat the contamination without removing the soils.

The AC Sipper is an ex-situ method that passes oil but repels water. It is an active system that uses a pumping facility to bring the contaminant to the surface.

The process of remediation is strictly monitored and regulated for human, ecological, agricultural and spreading to the groundwater risks. We have a range of in-situ remediation equipment to ‘pump and treat’ which is available to either rent or buy.

Visit for more information.

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