A refreshing approach to customer service

October 25, 2011

Our philosophy on customer service is, I’m sure, not unique but actions, so they say, are louder than words. At Van Walt we don’t like mistakes, they cost time, money and customer loyalty. That’s why we try and put in place processes and procedures to ensure we pick up our mistakes before equipment leaves our premises but, occasionally, equipment breaks or doesn’t work. When this happens, for us, it is how we deal with it that sets us apart from other suppliers.

So, as soon as you identify there’s a problem, let us know so we can try and resolve the issue immediately, over the phone if we can. If we can’t, we aim to get a replacement piece of kit to you as soon as possible and repair or replace the item in question.

Our approach is to be fair and reasonable, minimising your downtime while always keeping an eye on costs – yours and ours.

We want to stand out from other suppliers and this is better illustrated in the latest round of updates to our main website, in particular the new ‘intro’ we have added (for regular visitors to the site you will need to click the logo on the Home Page to see the film) and our new brochure from which it is derived. This says more about our attitude to customer service with a real emphasis on helpful tips and advice rather than a focus on products. Download a copy here.

There are other things in the pipeline too like developing the concept of data redundancy which we can only do if we really understand the work you are doing and the importance of the data you are collecting – watch this space for developments. We are also undertaking additional staff training to allow us to repair more equipment and retrieve data at our premises rather than the delay of returning equipment to our overseas suppliers; using technology and social media to get more useful, practical information to you so you can access it onsite via smart phone technology.

These things all take time but we are making excellent progress so please keep watching ‘this space’ or sign up to receiving our regular customer newsletter by email tracey@vanwalt.com with your details.

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