August 5, 2011
At Van Walt we recognise the investment you make in new environmental equipment. We make sure any equipment you buy or hire from us gives you ‘out of the box’ performance, that means we will train you on equipment use, enclose a Quick Start Guide or provide detailed operating instructions either as a reference manual, online or by phone. But sometimes it’s not just using the equipment that’s the issue, maintaining it and securing your instruments is just as important.
We offer a full equipment check, service and repair option. Whatever your instrument complete the form on and we will provide a quote and realistic timescale as to how long you will be without your equipment.
Some of our equipment, like the Well Modem, is designed to sit in a borehole, so is out of sight and therefore more secure and there is less chance of vandalism.
In addition, we produce videos demonstrating how equipment works, suggested maintenance regimes and equipment installation. These videos can be found at:
The most recent film to be added to our site is all about securing a Diver Level Logger on Dyneema rope down a well or borehole. The knotting principles are quite basic but work and will safely secure your Diver or any other instrument that is hung in a borehole, like the AquaLogger. The film can be viewed at
We need to make clear, that at the time of writing, there are no ISO or EN standards which deal with the sampling of groundwater for PFAS.
Read MoreEnvironmental monitoring has developed considerably over the years. From the time when a consultant went out monthly or quarterly with a dip tape to monitor the groundwater level in a borehole, wind forward...
Read MoreThe interest in Nitrates is nothing new. One way or another we have been measuring them for half a century.
Read MoreA small selection of our environmental equipment