The next Van Walt’s Window Sampling System is going to Qatar

February 3, 2011

It would seem our Window Sampling systems travel well.  The latest set is destined for Qatar being used in research with the University of Birmingham.  Training has taken place on site in a rainy Grayswood with the team using the system but soils and conditions in Qatar will be very different!

Classified as a hot subtropical desert the average annual rainfall in Qatar is 81 mm, average maximum temperature is 31oC and average minimum temperature 22oC. It is affected by wind blown dust and occasionally sandstorms. The country has no rivers or lakes and besides the rainfall received, the primary source of fresh water is the ground water. Surface water is very limited; only after a good winter rainfall, water may be seen in depressions, Wadis and runnels for a short time.

It has arid soil, with coarse texture, shallow depth and low retention and low in soluble substances – so our window sampling set will be tested fully in capturing good samples. Watch this space for an update on how the project goes.

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