Where does the time go to …?

November 2, 2010

November is the new December? November and we are already in the run up to Christmas: TV ads; seasonal savings and short, dark, dank days. Before we know it the December holiday shutdown will be here and another year will have flown by.

But what about the 30 days of November?

Those in the know; know – November is a vital month. Now is the time to secure new business so next year gets off to a flying start.

If you need to make capital purchases or buy any new items – November is a good time to do it. This year – more so than ever – with the Government’s VAT hike coming in January and, not forgetting, most businesses (Van Walt included) review their prices at about the same time as we are toasting in the New Year.

So don’t write off November, use it wisely, make all 30 days count – after all you have Bonfire Night, National Saxophone Day and Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day (really) to look forward to!

Tracey Daley

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