December 3, 2013
Here at Van Walt we love to see enterprise, initiative, ingenuity and pure and simple resourcefulness. That’s why we were so impressed when nine year old Harvey Cole, from Grayshott Primary School approached us about our flood monitoring equipment.
Harvey is part of a team of nine pupils, who are coming to the end of a fascinating adventure into the real world of engineering, problem solving and project management, thanks to the commitment and support of a group of parents who decided to enter a team into this year’s First Lego League challenge. This is an annual, international competition for young people aged 9-16 years.
The competition requires the children to fulfil a wide range of tasks, including programming their own robot which must complete a series of challenges involving Lego models. The theme of this year’s challenge is: Nature’s Fury and this is where Van Walt comes in!
The team needed to provide their own innovative solution to help in a natural disaster scenario and Harvey and the Grayshott team decided to focus on a local area which has suffered repeated flooding for many years. Not only did they visit the site and meet affected residents but they have managed to provide real assistance.
After finding the Van Walt website and our e+Water L water level and telemetry systems, Harvey approached us to ask if we would be prepared to help by installing this equipment to monitor the water levels at the site and also to set alarms in the event of a potential flood if water in the drainage culvert rose above a certain height.
We were very impressed with the resourcefulness and persistence of this young team and, as a result, we were happy to loan them our specialist equipment for the duration of the challenge so they can record and work with real data and at the same time help the residents present a better case for improved flood defences.
We wish them the best of luck in the competition.
We need to make clear, that at the time of writing, there are no ISO or EN standards which deal with the sampling of groundwater for PFAS.
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