Analab’s Rental Operation is born

April 25, 2013

After much planning and preparation from everyone at Analab and Van Walt, our new ‘baby’ is born – environmental rental equipment for the Spanish research community.

The equipment, which includes environmental pumps, water quality meters, water level loggers and PIDs, took some time to arrive from the UK, (all you mums out there know what I’m talking about!).

But now they have arrived they look great and are lying in the nursery ready to go.


Like all proud parents we have got ourselves organised, Diver Level Loggers are cleaned, calibrated and lined up neatly, ready for dispatch.


Our pumps look really beautiful, a credit to our equipment specialists and maintenance teams.


And what can we say about peli cases… only the best will do.

Peli Cases

Click on the following links if you are interested in finding out more about our rental pumps, meters, samplers or remediation equipment or, better still, call us on + 34 935 900 007 for quote. You don’t need to wait 9 months to take advantage of this new baby!


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